Bull Sales/Leasing
Your choice of bulls can be one of the most influential decisions you make in terms of profitability and overall success. That’s why we take pride in offering exceptional commercial and registered bulls that are stand outs within their kind. No where else can you find the dept of quality and variety of breed types that we offer all in one location.
When selecting our bulls we put top priority on bone structure, muscling, temperament and overall ease of fleshing. We feel these traits are the most important within the industry when it comes to producing offspring with high marketability.
We provide most all of the major, most prevalently used breed types within the industry.
Every bull we offer has passed a breeding soundness exam performed by our veterinarian, Dr. Dustin Marsh of College Station, Texas.
Both small and large producers within the industry have found our bull leasing program to be the answer for their breeding needs. Once you select the bull you wish to lease all that is needed to take him home is a signature on our simple, easy to read contract, and the first month's rent as a down payment. Our no hassle, no restriction form of leasing allows you to customize your lease term based on your specific needs.
We are often asked if there is a minimum time restriction when leasing a bull. There is no minimum term requirement which puts your expenditures in your control. Any bull listed in our catalog is available for leasing!