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Bulk Cattle Feed for Sale

Many years ago we worked with a beef nutritionist to develop a custom feed ration with the primary goal of maximizing weight gain in the most cost efficient manner without sacrificing ingredient quality. 

Year after year we saw excellent performance in our own cattle and when we find something that works, we want to share it with other cattle producers! We now offer our specialized feed in bulk at competitive pricing. 

We offer a grower and a high protein pasture supplement to meet your specific operation’s needs. Our feed ingredients vary some depending on the ration but our primary ingredients that we work with include: cracked corn, dried distillers grain, cotton seed, cotton seed hulls, and a molasses based liquid supplement.  

Obtaining the most value for your dollar is what keeps your animals and operation growing!  If you’re in the Brazos Valley, come grab a tote or two!  

Current pricing is $190 per bag ($380 per ton) for both our 12.5% protein grower and our 25% protein pasture supplement. 

Text "FEED" to 833-369-4081 to receive updates and discounts on our bulk feed!

Call or text 979-575-2701 with any questions, or to order.